Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bald Eagles on the Wood River

Keep your eyes open. A pair of bald eagles spent the morning on Frying Pan Pond eating carrion on the ice. There is no mistaking them -- they seem to be as big as Great Blue Herons when in flight. The (blurry) photo was taken 30 January 2010.


rick said...

Thanks for the tip P.V.
Very interesting news, and a cool photo too.

I would imagine that these Eagles need a lot of protein to remain interested in the area. I wonder if they compete, or co-habit with Osprey and Herron?

Please keep us posted.

P.V. August said...

I haven't seen osprey yet this winter but there was a great blue heron in Frying Pan Pond this week along with an immature bald eagle. I am sure eagles and herons coexist fine, as they eat very different things. But between the two of them, they sure take up a lot of air space (80" wingspan for an eagle, 72" for a GB heron). When either are flying around, you can't miss them!