Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting To Know Your Watershed Lectures at WPWA

There are a lot of exciting projects happening in the watershed these days! To help keep the community informed, the WPWA has organized a series of brief lectures to review various activities in the watershed. The first two presentations will be at the WPWA campus in Barberville and the third will be a special presentation at our annual meeting in May 2010.

Lectures are free for members of the WPWA and their guests. The schedule and RSVP instructions can be found at Be sure to RSVP if you want to attend because space is limited.

The lecture topics and speakers are:


November 1, 2009, 4:00 - 6:00 PM, WPWA Headquarters, Barberville

"Getting To Know The Watershed - Electronically: New Breakthroughs in Web-based Information for RI's Watersheds"

Greg Bonynge, RI Geospatial Extension Specialist, URI
Elise Torello, WPWA

Greg and Elise will demonstrate some incredible new web technologies that are free and simple to use to explore the watershed's natural resources.


January 24, 2010, 4:00 - 6:00 PM, WPWA Headquarters, Barberville

"Restoring Our Connections To The Sea For Migratory Fish"

Christopher Fox, Executive Director, WPWA
James Turek, NOAA

Chris and Jim will brief us all on the dam removal projects underway in the watershed.


May 2010, WPWA Annual Meeting, Location TBA

"The Natural History of Trout and Trout Fishing in the Wood River"

Ed Lombardo, WPWA Trustee

Fishing legend Ed Lombardo will give a special lecture at the annual meeting on recreational fisheries in the Wood River. This is not to be missed!

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